I have waited for this day for a long time and nothing indicated that today this day finally came. A very special woman who I met here in California invited me to her home. To her private space and very safe place. That day I met more wonderful women. We all sat together around close to each other. And before starting the project we closed our eyes. I was not surprised because all yogis were around me : ) I closed my eyes and I felt so much. My emotional rollercoaster woke up and I felt tears on my cheeks. I felt energy of these women and so much power of their peace. I felt very calm breath on my legs – that was Leo, a dog of our hostess:). I felt cloves in my tea. Finally I felt me. I thought I have my balance but my tears surprised me so much. As it turned out I had a quite bit of them.
We met to prepare visual boards of our feelings, our needs, our dreams. We spent all afternoon looking for what we wanted. But all of us spent a whole life searching for this. It is not that easy as we always change.
A couple months ago I asked myself that question and then I thought I really knew what I wanted (I wrote about this here https://www.jestemwlesie.pl/a-wiec-czego-ty-wlasciwie-chcesz/ ).
I came to America and…everything has changed.
I have changed.
But this is still me. My journey to California just started but now I can see everything so much clearer.
I’m looking for my plans, my ideas, my hope and I think I know myself quite well. Why was I so scared about this project? Because of answer to the question. Why is it so hard to know what I want? When I finish my magic board I will surprise myself. Do you know why? Because I know what I really want but I am scared to reach for this.
My magic starts after another day, when I wake up. I open my eyes and I smile to myself, because it is an amazing feeling to know what I really want and you know what? It’s definitely high time to reach for this <3
Oh no! Terrible mess!!
But after the mess everything comes back to the right order <3